Weekend Challenge #2: Custom ASP.NET MVC Exception Page

So after last week’s challenge, I decided to continue on and try something new this week. This time, my focus was on something I didn’t have a whole lot of experience in, which was hooking into the ASP.NET error handling system and writing my own custom exception error page to replace any pre-existing one.

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Weekend Challenge: Slack Support Client in JavaScript

Lately I’ve been wanting to spend more of my free time building small projects to challenge myself. One challenge I set up for myself this weekend was to build a JavaScript project using zero external plugins — something that could run on its own. The other challenge was to build something that would also be useful. The result isĀ sl.js.

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Alexa In The Living Room – Living With Amazon Echo

Back on January 9th, while working on what was likely a very important project, I received an email inviting me to purchase an Amazon Echo device. As I had been waiting months on the invitation list, I jumped for joy (well, I got really excited at least) and spent the next few minutes ordering the device, followed by another month and a half of waiting.

On February 21st, my Echo device arrived and the journey of testing yet another voice command system began.

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